What was your Medium progress in March? 😎

Here's mine.

Hi there,

March has passed in the blink of an eye.

I went to Europe to see my family and friends and get some rest from my 🇨🇦 life.

I spent a few days in Warsaw, Poland, met with my school friend, and went shopping. 🛍️ 

After my family arrived in Poland, we went to our seaside home in Georgia. 🌊 

We’ve been separated for the past two years: They are in Ukraine, while I’m elsewhere.

I’m thankful to God for the opportunity to meet and spend time together. 😍 

My mommy and I are at the Batumi Botanical Garden.

March was supposed to be a slow month, but I’ve managed to finish way more tasks than usual (don’t ask me how 😄 ).

Since I launched this newsletter to share my Medium journey, I’ll openly share my struggles and achievements.

So, in March, I:

  • Posted 7 stories on Medium

  • Got 2 stories boosted (third month in a row)

  • Gained 14.7k views and 7.2k reads

  • Gained 910 new followers (yay)

  • Wrote a sponsored story on Medium (more about it later)

My overall performance in March 👇

My boosted stories in March

A boost is an additional layer of content distribution on Medium.

All boosted stories are manually reviewed by Medium curators and get at least 500 additional views.

If your story is boosted, there is a high chance you’ll make at least three figures from the story.

This month, I’ve got 2 curated stories published at the Better Marketing publication.

Both of them did well in terms of views and earnings.

I feel the boost is essential to make money on Medium nowadays. Otherwise, it’s much harder to reach your target audience.

Here’s how my boosted stories perform.

  • Publication date: March 15th, 2024

  • Publication date: March 23rd, 2024

To improve your Medium performance, you must align your content with Medium requirements and try to reach a wider audience through publications.

The following publications can nominate your stories for boosts:

I’ve worked with the first two publications and can confidently say their curators help Medium writers reach a wider audience.

However, their content quality bar is high.

Nevertheless, I recommend giving it a try and seeing how it goes for you!

The least explored path always brings unexpected results.

How much do you make per Medium story on average? 🤔

It's an anonymous poll. I'll share the results in the next newsletter.

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

Have you ever thought of how to monetize your Medium content other than through the Partner Program? 🤔 

Since Medium’s algorithms change all the time, the only way to make decent money on Medium is to find alternative income sources.

Since I’ve been writing on Medium for four years and have over 18k followers, I regularly get inquiries from companies that want to promote their products on Medium.

They know that creating a new account to post a story won’t yield any results.

That’s why they reach out to Medium influencers.

Here’s how much I charge per sponsored Medium post and what my clients eventually get:

  • $500 for a 5-minute story

  • A story is published at a reputable Medium publication to gain more eyeballs

  • One paragraph dedicated to featuring the client’s product with links and my expert opinion

  • Once the article is published, I promote it and the client’s product via my newsletter (2,5k+ followers)

That’s probably one of my favorite ways of making money on Medium since it’s way more effective than anything else.

My sponsored post has already been accepted to one of the top Medium publications and will soon be published.

I’ll show you the post and share more details once it’s live. Agree? 😇 

Have you ever had a sponsored Medium post request?

Feel free to hit “reply,” share your feedback, and ask questions if you have any.

Happy Easter! 🐰

Victoria Kurichenko

Have you checked one of my latest posts? It’s just 2 mins to read. 👇️ 


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